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Dreams - those bizarre items of jumbled pictures which come to us when we sleep. Are

they merely mental flashbacks of our day's activities or could they become more? Could

they contain information - valuable information - that is beneficial to us for solving

problems and gaining guidance? Yes, our dreams are among our most valuable

mental resources. They contain messages - communications from ourselves to ourselves.

Dreams will often come to provide you with a "state of your state of mind" message. They

may come to state, "You're doing fine. Hang within." Or the message could be,

"You've gone off in the incorrect direction. Take a close appear at your life and make

some adjustments."

Like intuitions, dreams come from your inner, subconscious mind. Dreams can be found in

many forms - creative dreams, precognitive dreams where ones "sees" a future

event, issue solving dreams, intuitive dreams, and basic "logging in" dreams

where one can capture a glimpse of their mind's "filing" of daily information.

Reoccurring dreams are especially important because they are a note that your

subconscious mind is desperately trying to get you to pay attention to. Your

subconscious will patiently give you the same message over and over for years until

you finally "get" it.

What Do Dreams REVEAL?

Dreams allow you to notice your mental

programming. They enable you to see how it is inside your life. Sometimes a wish will

give you a message that an outdated attitude or belief is no more working for you. A

dream may suggest a fresh attitude or belief that could work better, or will

sometimes provide you with a small pat on the trunk, just a little encouragement. Often, dreams

arrive to warn you that you need to be more aware of a certain situation in your life.

And frequently dreams come to present you with solutions to problems you have been

working on but could find no conscious solution to.

Dreams let you know how you really feel about yourself and others, and the circumstances in

your life. They give you your personal perceptions of reality (which may or may

not be constant with objective reality).

Dreams tell you about your self-image, when and where you are feeling in control of your

life, when and where you don't. They tell you about situations where you feel that

you have been "great," and where you are feeling that you have been "bad." Each one of these

facets of your self-image is represented in your dreams.

How To Remember Your Dreams

To get the help available from your dreams, you

must first remember them. It usually takes an average of five weeks to learn to

recall your dreams. But by pursuing some simple, easy steps, almost everyone can

begin to keep in mind their dreams and reap the advantages of these important


o Give yourself a pre-sleep suggestion. Right before you fall asleep, say to yourself

several times, "I am going to remember my dreams."

o Keep a pad and pencil by your bed to straight down any memories or scraps of memories

about your dreams.

o Upon awakening each morning, do not jump ideal out of bed. Stay static in bed a few

minutes and think about any thoughts or images that may be going swimming in your

brain. These may remind you of a wish.

o Provide dreams a name or "theme." This "classifies" the dream and helps you

remember it. In addition, it helps you to talk about any associations connected with it.

Interpreting Your Dream Messages

What do your dreams mean? The very best and

most accurate interpretation of your fantasy will come from you, through your

intuition. Your dreams are part of you, your subconscious. Who easier to know what

your subconscious is letting you know than you yourself?

Start by thinking about, what does each wish image mean to me? How do I feel

about the image? Desire therapists generally concur that a dream picture reflects your

own private attitudes and feelings. Therefore, for instance, while dreams of snakes for

a lot of people would represent something they fear so much, for a person who keeps

reptiles as pets, a dream of snakes may represent friendship or companionship.

Once you have discovered the overall feeling or attitude that the wish image

represents, ask yourself how this feeling or attitude could be manifesting itself in

your life today. (What's happening presently in your life that is causing you to fearful?)

Use this approach to discovery even when you imagine friends, family or

acquaintances. Remember, dreams are messages from you to ultimately yourself, and they

are most often about yourself, your feelings, your problems, https://midtownmanhattanpsychic.blogspot.com etc. Assume that all

dream characters, also people you know, represent aspects of yourself and are

right now there to represent a sense or attitude. The question you should ask yourself is:

How do you experience the friend or family member?, not really why are you dreaming of


By looking at your dream images as areas of yourself, you can most often identify

the sensation or attitude linked to the image and uncovers the dream's

message. But when interpreting a dream message, if you don't intuitively feel that it

is right, it probably isn't. On the other hand if the interpretation elicits the response,

"Yes! That's it!" it most likely is accurate. A genuine interpretation always feels ideal. More

importantly, it can tell you a lot approximately yourself and which areas of your life may

currently be in need of attention.

Common Dream Symbols

o Vehicles - vehicles, busses, trucks, trains, boats etc. - often represent your direction

in existence. Are you on the right track? Are you heading in the proper direction? Often, if

the automobile is headed toward the right, it implies that you are.

o Monsters, savages, wildlife - often represent the "dark" component of you. This is

the part of you that you might not want to know about - your bad habits, your

negative traits as well as your fears. But by "making friends" with these elements of you -

hearing them and permitting them to inform you what they want - you can help all of you


o A House - often represents you. Is normally your house filthy and messy? Will it need to

end up being cleaned up and taken better care of? Is there hidden rooms that need to be

explored? If your home becomes bigger and better as time passes, then you can certainly be sure

that you are growing and learning.

o Clothes - often represent feelings of protection. Having a dream of going to

school without your clothing on means you are feeling unsafe or unsure about something.

o Teeth - frequently represent how you "encounter" others. If your teeth fall out in a dream,

you might be afraid of "losing face."

o Hair - frequently represents your thoughts. Stiff locks might mean you are not being

flexible in your pondering. Black hair could imply you are having sad thoughts or

feelings but not recognizing them.

o Water - frequently represents a cleaning, a new beginning.

o Paralysis - can indicate you are afraid to take action about something.

o Crashing waves, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc - often mean your feelings are in an


o Failing a check or exam - often mean you are afraid you are "failing" in some

area you will ever have (it may mean school, but often it really is about another area).

o Being unable to find your classroom - often means that you are "not sure where

you are going" in some important area of your life.

o Heading to the bathroom in public - often means that you fear that others have

caught (or will catch) you showing your negative habits or traits.

o Not having the ability to reach someone on the http://www.thefreedictionary.com/psychic telephone - often implies that you are

trying to "complete" to somebody, but experience you can't.