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A lot of people find crystal ball gazing is definitely easiest in a tranquil, dimly lit room. Many people prefer to have candles burning up. For a few the reflections of the flames help summon images - others find them a distraction. Burning incence is certainly common and some individuals like to have soothing music playing gently in the background.The important thing to keep in mind is you are creating an atmosphere.

The important key when performing crystal ball gazing is that you need to be relaxed as well as your mind should be clear. It is usually better to perform a cleansing ritual accompanied by a safety ritual, and THEN start your crystal ball function. Normally a cleansing ritual will be performed on evening one. Another night you'll perform a protection ritual on yourself and within the area you intend on performing the crystal ball gazing. On the 3rd night after that you can be well prepared to make use of your crystal ball. Despite the fact that these rituals are not necessity, it is always wise to perform them for maximum safety and best results.

When performing any kind of scrying or divination you are summoning forth forces from the spirit realm. Normally these forces are shut off from this plane we reside in unless otherwise disturbed such as through particular rituals such as crystal ball gazing and scrying. When you perform divination these forces can either aid you in bringing forth images into the future or other occasions, or attack you.

Evil spirits and bad influences can use your crystal ball, scrying mirror, ouija board, or pendulum a web link to allow them to step through into this world. They can also use it as a means to drain energy from you as well. This is normally why it is always best to ensure correct cleansing and security is prepared before hand.

Step 2 2. The Crystal Ball Gazing Method

Place the crystal ball on a desk in front of you. Many crystal balls you can buy come with their own stand. If you don't have got a crystal ball stand you could use a little cushion or a silk handkerchief bought and reserved specially for this purpose.


To amplify your crystal ball gazing, you can use a gemstone sphere as a compliment to the crystal ball. Merely having a gemstone sphere resting next the crystal ball can augment your diving two parts.

Sit down and relax. Lay your hands gently on your golf ball for a minute or two to be able to energise it and strengthen your psychic rapport. Whilst keeping the crystal ball, take into account the reason for this scrying session. If appropriate make an effort to visualise the subject of your question. Some people like to ask the issue out loud, others choose to internalise it.

Now, remove the hands from the crystal. Check out the crystal, stare deeply. Allow your eye to relax and become slightly unfocused. After a little while you should visit a mist or smoke cigarettes forming in the crystal. Let this mist develop and fill the ball, after that visualise it steadily clearing to reveal images within the crystal.

The images you see is probably not what you expected. That's Okay, don't combat them. Your subconscious mind knows what details you will need. Many people discover that when they initial begin to employ a crystal ball, the images have nothing to do with what they concentrate on. This can be because your mind is not yet adjusted at having the ability to grasp and concentrate on the energies becoming past from your subconscious in to the crystal ball itself. Think of the mental energies heading from your own brain to the crystal ball as a funnel. The base or "suggestion" of the funnel is usually your subconscious energies and that energy is being directed upwards towards your mindful mind which is the mid stage of the funnel. The conscious part of the mind that receives the subconscious energy then "spills" it into the crystal ball to form those pictures from the subconscious, which would be the mouth area of the funnel.

Since divination uses both the subsconscious and conscious portion of the mind simultaneously it could be rather difficult to focus on both simultaneously. Your subconscious is certainly http://www.folkd.com/user/spiritualinsightbyjoyce where the energy is definitely stemming from. It passes it upwards to your mindful which is required to take action on that energy in to the crystal ball. Without the mindful mind you would be in even more of a deep meditated state as well as your eyes would not have the ability to consciously focus or insight the pictures within the crystal ball.

As noted, it is flawlessly OK that the first couple occasions you divine with a crystal ball the images are not related to what it really is you want. The fact you are able to see ANYTHING in the crystal ball is normally showing improvement. The more you use the crystal ball, the better you'll get at being able to see exactly what it is you want to find by manipulating your subconscious energies to your conscious energies, and to the crystal ball. In any event, just let the images movement, changing and acquiring you wherever they choose to go. Don't try to rationalise now, time for that later.

Step three 3. Closing The Crystal Ball Session

Let the images gradually fade back into the crystal ball. Don't just stop the session suddenly, rather reverse the procedure you used in the beginning. Visualise the mists coming back and within the images, then receding to come back the ball to its organic state.

Thank your crystal ball and put it away carefully covered within a dark fabric is best as dark cloth keeps the energies of the ball included within it and helps prevent it from leaking out.

It is also always best to ensure you cleanse your crystal ball. An excellent, fast, and simple way of doing that is to merely light a sage smudge stay and or sage incense and move the ball around the smoke cigarettes before you stick it back for storage space. Another fast and simple way to cleanse your crystal ball would be to provide it a dip in salt water for roughly one minute. You do not want to soak it too long in salt as it can damage and ruin the crystal ball.